ESG in SeidoPro
SeidoPro is committed to building a future that is respective of
Environment, Social, and good Governance
co-creating a better future for our community.

Ensuring our systems & processes minimize our environmental footprint:
- Transitioning to a Hybrid Work Set-up
- Paperless Operations
- Measurement of Workplace
- Energy Consumption
- Rationalization of Office Facilities

Strengthening the capabilities of our people- Implementing a Job Leveling Program
- Equipping & Upskilling People to Meet the Future Needs of the Business World
- Measurement of Workplace Energy Consumption
- Transforming Traditional Work into High-Value Jobs

Ensuring business sustainability- Maintaining High Standards & Compliance for ISO 27001
- Building capabilities of leaders to innovate and manage the future of work
- High Level of Regulatory Compliance
- Risk Management & BCP
Our Initiatives

ESG Quarter

Grow Your Own Food Workshop